write up an estimate for installing plumbing lines to hook into city water. 202 feet of plumbing lines and trench digging through 20' of concrete slab with labor and materials for $ 2,348.00 contractor is Odom's Plumbing and Electric. customer Ernest Goodman at 1306 Fleetwood Rd

Estimate for Installing Plumbing Lines for Hooking into City Water

Customer: Ernest Goodman
Address: 1306 Fleetwood Rd

Contractor: Odom's Plumbing and Electric

The project requires installing plumbing lines to connect to the city water supply. The total length of plumbing lines needed is approximately 202 feet. Trench digging through a 20-foot concrete slab is also necessary.

Estimated Cost Breakdown:

1. Labor:
- Trench digging and excavation labor: $X
- Plumbing line installation labor: $X

2. Materials:
- Plumbing pipes: $X
- Connectors and fittings: $X
- Concrete cutting equipment: $X
- Backfill material: $X

Total Estimated Cost: $2,348.00

Note: Please keep in mind that the prices mentioned above are estimations and subject to change based on the actual requirement and market prices at the time of the project execution.

If you have any further questions or if there are additional details you would like to provide, please do not hesitate to contact Odom's Plumbing and Electric for further assistance.

To provide an estimate for installing plumbing lines to hook into city water, including trench digging through 20 feet of concrete slab, labor, and materials, the following information is required:

- Length of plumbing lines: 202 feet
- Customer Name: Ernest Goodman
- Customer Address: 1306 Fleetwood Rd
- Contractor: Odom's Plumbing and Electric
- Total estimated cost: $2,348.00

To break down the estimate, the cost can be divided into the following categories:

1. Materials:
- Plumbing pipes and fittings: The required materials for plumbing lines installation, such as PVC pipes, fittings, valves, and connectors.
- Concrete breaking tools (if necessary): To break the concrete slab for trench digging.
- Other miscellaneous materials: Depending on project requirements.

2. Labor:
- Trench digging: This includes the cost of manually digging a trench through 20 feet of the concrete slab in order to install the plumbing lines.
- Plumbing installation: The time and effort required by the plumbers to install the plumbing lines.

3. Overhead expenses:
- Permit fees: Any fees required by local authorities to obtain permits for the plumbing installation.
- Equipment costs: The cost of any specialized equipment required for the project, such as concrete breaking tools or excavation machinery.

Based on the information provided, the total estimate for the plumbing line installation to hook into the city water, including trench digging and labor with materials, is $2,348.00, under the services of Odom's Plumbing and Electric.

Please note that this is an estimated cost and may vary based on factors such as the location, specific project requirements, additional materials needed, and any unforeseen challenges encountered during the installation process.