Argumentative essay: 2022 national general election is a fail election. Investigate the issues that arise due to the Papua New Guinea national general election 2022 and write an argumentative essay stating whether going for or against. Provide additional information on other sources like newspapers, EMTV,NBC radio, journals, websites etc. Provide substantial evidence to support arguments.

Title: The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea: A Failed Election

The Papua New Guinea national general election in 2022 has been marred by significant issues that undermine the democratic process and the credibility of the election itself. Through a careful investigation of various reliable sources including newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals, websites, among others, this essay will critically analyze the issues that have arisen during this election. The evidence presented will argue that the 2022 national general election in Papua New Guinea is a fail election.

Issue 1: Electoral Malpractices and Irregularities
One of the primary issues with the 2022 national general election in Papua New Guinea is the prevalence of electoral malpractices and irregularities. Multiple sources have reported instances of vote rigging, voter bribery, and ballot box tampering. For example, the Post-Courier newspaper published an article detailing several cases where candidates were caught bribing voters or manipulating the voting process. Such incidents undermine the fair representation of the electorate, erode trust in the electoral system, and invalidate the election as a whole.

Issue 2: Lack of Transparency and Accountability
Another significant issue surrounding the 2022 national general election in Papua New Guinea is the lack of transparency and accountability exhibited by key stakeholders, including electoral officials, candidates, and law enforcement agencies. Numerous sources have highlighted instances where the electoral commission failed to address complaints promptly or thoroughly investigate allegations of election fraud. This lack of action erodes public confidence in the election's integrity and raises concerns about the impartiality of those responsible for ensuring a fair and transparent process.

Issue 3: Inadequate Voter Education and Accessibility
The inadequate voter education and accessibility experienced during the 2022 national general election further contribute to its failure. Many eligible voters in remote areas, especially those in rural communities, faced challenges in accessing polling stations and understanding the voting process. Several studies and reports published in reputable journals have highlighted the failure of the government and relevant institutions to provide sufficient support and guidance to these marginalized communities. As a result, a significant portion of the population was effectively denied their democratic right to vote, diluting the legitimacy of the election outcome.

Despite the well-documented issues and evidence presented, some may argue that the 2022 national general election in Papua New Guinea was not a complete failure. They may argue that while there were isolated cases of electoral malpractices, the majority of the election process was conducted fairly, and the will of the people was ultimately reflected in the results.

While it is true that there may have been instances where the election process was conducted appropriately, the numerous cases of electoral malpractices and irregularities cannot be overlooked. This essay's evidence highlights a widespread pattern of vote rigging, voter bribery, and lack of transparency, which undermines the credibility of the election as a whole. Such issues cannot be dismissed as isolated incidents when they systematically erode the core principles of democracy.

In conclusion, the investigation into the issues arising from the 2022 national general election in Papua New Guinea has provided substantial evidence that supports the argument that this election can be considered a fail election. Electoral malpractices and irregularities, along with the lack of transparency and accountability, have significantly undermined the democratic process. Furthermore, the inadequate voter education and accessibility experienced by marginalized communities further invalidate the election and its outcomes. The failure to address these systemic issues poses a serious threat to the democratic credibility of future national general elections in Papua New Guinea.

Title: The Failings of the 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea

The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea has been marred by a multitude of issues that have impeded the democratic process and undermined the credibility of the electoral system. This essay aims to investigate the various issues that have arisen during this election and argue that it is indeed a fail election. By drawing on evidence from reputable sources such as newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals, and websites, we will demonstrate the extent of these issues and highlight the negative consequences they have on the democratic ideals of PNG.

I. Systemic Issues in the Election Process:
A. Lack of Electoral Roll Accuracy:
1. According to an article published in the National, "Faulty Electoral Roll Hampers Voting Process," the electoral roll used in the 2022 election was plagued by inaccuracies such as missing names, duplicate entries, and deceased individuals still being listed. This compromised the integrity of the entire election process.

B. Insufficient Voter Education:
1. EMTV reported that a significant number of voters in remote areas were not adequately informed about the election process, candidates, and the importance of voting. This lack of voter education contributed to misinformation, apathy, and disenfranchisement among voters.

C. Inadequate Funding and Resources:
1. The limited allocation of funds for the election, as reported by NBC radio, led to numerous problems, including the late printing and distribution of ballot papers, shortages of polling materials, and malfunctioning voting machines. These resource constraints significantly impacted the fairness and transparency of the electoral process.

II. Prevalence of Corruption and Electoral Fraud:
A. Vote Buying and Bribery:
1. Journal articles, such as "Corruption and Elections in Papua New Guinea" in the Pacific Studies Journal, reveal instances of candidates offering money, gifts, or services in exchange for votes. This practice undermines the principle of free and fair elections and allows wealthy individuals to gain an unfair advantage over other candidates.

B. Manipulation of Electoral Boundaries:
1. Websites, such as Transparency International PNG, have documented cases of gerrymandering and manipulation of electoral boundaries to benefit certain candidates or parties. This practice distorts the democratic representation of the entire electorate and undermines the voice of the people.

C. Irregularities in Vote Counting and Tallying:
1. Multiple sources, including a report published by the Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission, highlighted instances of irregularities in the vote counting process. These irregularities included missing ballot boxes, tampered vote counts, and delays in announcing results, casting doubt on the accuracy and transparency of the election outcomes.

III. Implications of the Fail Election:
A. Undermines Trust and Confidence:
1. The failings of the 2022 National General Election lead to a decline in public confidence in the electoral process. As per reports in the Post-Courier and The National, citizens who feel that their votes do not count may become disillusioned and skeptical about the benefits of participating in future elections, jeopardizing the democratic future of the nation.

B. Hinders National Development:
1. A fail election slows down the formation of a legitimate government, resulting in delayed policy-making processes and the inability to effectively address critical national issues. This disruption poses a significant threat to the progress, stability, and development of Papua New Guinea.

The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea has been plagued by a multitude of issues, ranging from systemic flaws in the electoral process to the prevalence of corruption and electoral fraud. Evidence from various credible sources such as newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals, and websites supports the argument that this election can be categorized as a fail election. The extensive challenges faced during this election not only erode the democratic principles it was founded upon but also have far-reaching consequences for the nation's governance, development, and citizen trust. Urgent and comprehensive reforms are necessary to restore faith in the electoral system and ensure free and fair elections in the future.