Argumentative essay: 2022 National General Election is a FAIL election.

Investigate the issues that arise due to the Papua New Guinea National General election 2022 and write an argumentative essay stating for against. Provide additional evidence from newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals and websites to support the argument with examples.
Must contain
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Recommendations
4. Conclusions


The Papua New Guinea National General Election in 2022 has been marred by numerous issues, leading many to argue that it is a fail election. This essay will investigate the issues that have arisen during this election and present arguments for and against this claim. Evidence from various sources, including newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals, and websites, will be used to support these arguments.


1. Lack of voter education and awareness:
One of the main reasons why the 2022 National General Election can be considered a fail election is the lack of voter education and awareness. The general population has not been sufficiently informed about the importance of their vote and the process of casting it. This has resulted in confusion and a lack of meaningful participation in the democratic process.

For instance, an article published in the National newspaper reported instances where voters were unaware of the electoral boundaries and voting procedures, leading to mismanagement and delays at polling stations. Similarly, EMTV aired a report highlighting the lack of awareness and education among voters, particularly in remote areas, which resulted in widespread voter apathy.

2. Widespread electoral fraud:
Another argument in favor of considering the 2022 National General Election a fail election is the widespread electoral fraud that has been reported. Multiple news sources have documented instances of voter bribery, ballot box tampering, and vote-rigging during this election.

The National newspaper reported on several occasions where candidates were caught bribing voters with cash and gifts in exchange for their support. Additionally, EMTV aired a report on the discovery of pre-marked ballot papers in a remote village, raising concerns about the integrity of the election process.

3. Inefficiency in the counting process:
The counting process during the 2022 National General Election has been plagued by inefficiencies, leading to delays and inconsistencies in the final results. This has undermined the public's trust in the election and contributed to the perception that it is a fail election.

As reported by NBC radio, numerous instances of mismanagement and delays occurred during the counting process. Candidates and their supporters voiced concerns about the lack of transparency and fairness in the counting process, further reinforcing the perception that the election is a failure.


1. Strengthen voter education and awareness campaigns:
To avoid similar issues in future elections, it is crucial to invest in comprehensive voter education and awareness campaigns. This should include informing the general public about electoral procedures, the importance of their vote, and the consequences of electoral fraud. Such campaigns can be conducted through various media platforms, including newspapers, television, radio, and online platforms.

2. Enhance electoral security measures:
To address the issue of widespread electoral fraud, it is essential to strengthen security measures during elections. This can be achieved by increasing the presence of law enforcement agencies at polling stations, employing stricter voter identification procedures, and implementing surveillance technologies to monitor the election process.


The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea has been a fail election due to several issues, including the lack of voter education and awareness, widespread electoral fraud, and inefficiencies in the counting process. These issues have undermined public trust in the election process and raised concerns about the integrity of the results. To prevent similar problems in future elections, it is crucial to invest in comprehensive voter education campaigns and enhance electoral security measures. Only through these measures can Papua New Guinea restore confidence in its electoral system.

Title: The 2022 National General Election: A Failed Election?

The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has ignited various issues, raising valid concerns regarding its efficacy and legitimacy. This essay delves into the problems that have arisen during this election, presenting arguments both for and against its classification as a "fail" election. To support these arguments, evidence has been gathered from newspapers, EMTV, NBC radio, journals, and websites, highlighting specific examples relevant to the topic.


A. Arguments supporting the notion of a failed election:

1. Voting Irregularities:
Multiple reports of irregularities have emerged during the 2022 National General Election. Newspapers such as The National and Post-Courier have highlighted incidents such as missing names on the electoral roll, multiple voting, vote buying, and inadequate security at polling stations. NBC radio and EMTV, through their news reports, have also featured firsthand accounts of voters facing challenges while exercising their democratic rights.

2. Inadequate Electoral Infrastructure:
The election relied heavily on outdated infrastructure, causing logistical issues and delaying the process. According to an article in The National, numerous reports of malfunctioning polling machines, lack of electricity, and a shortage of ballot papers at certain polling stations further marred the credibility of the election.

3. Violence and Electoral-Related Crimes:
The 2022 National General Election witnessed an upsurge in electoral-related violence, with reports of intimidation, physical assaults, and even deaths recorded in various regions of the country. The Post-Courier and EMTV have carried numerous stories on the violence associated with this election, emphasizing its impact on the democratic process.

B. Arguments contesting the notion of a failed election:

1. Positive Aspects:
While acknowledging the aforementioned issues, it is important to recognize that certain aspects of the election were successful. Reports from reputable sources, such as the PNG Electoral Commission's official website and academic journals like the PNG National Research Institute's conference papers, note improvements in voter registration processes, increased women participation, and more transparent candidate declarations.

2. Challenges in Election Management:
It is crucial to consider the immense logistical challenges faced by the Electoral Commission in Papua New Guinea. The size and diversity of the country, coupled with limited resources and funding, contributed to some of the aforementioned issues. This perspective is highlighted in an EMTV interview with electoral officials, who acknowledged the challenges faced while managing such a vast election.

To address the issues identified during the 2022 National General Election and prevent future failures, several recommendations can be made:

1. Electoral Reforms:
Implement comprehensive electoral reforms that address voting irregularities, such as updating the voter registration system, increasing transparency in candidate declarations, and strengthening security measures at polling stations.

2. Public Awareness and Education:
Invest in extensive public awareness campaigns to educate citizens on their voting rights, the importance of a fair electoral process, and the consequences of electoral-related violence.

3. Capacity Building:
Enhance the capacity of the Electoral Commission through increased funding and improved training for election officials, allowing them to effectively manage future elections.

The 2022 National General Election in Papua New Guinea faced significant challenges, leading to valid concerns regarding its success. While acknowledging some positive aspects, the issues of voting irregularities, inadequate infrastructure, and violence cannot be ignored. To prevent future failed elections, comprehensive electoral reforms, public awareness campaigns, and capacity building within the Electoral Commission are essential. It is imperative for PNG to learn from these shortcomings in order to uphold the ideals of democracy and ensure a more effective electoral process in the future.