Printer A prints 100 pages for $19.99. Printer B prints 275 sheets for $57.99. Which printer has the better rate of cost per page?

Printer A, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $0.20 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $0.21 per page
Printer A, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $5.00 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $4.74 per page
Printer B, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $5.00 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $4.74 per page
Printer B, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $0.20 per page, is greater than the approximate rate of Printer B, $0.21 per page

The correct answer is Printer A, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $0.20 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $0.21 per page.

To calculate the cost per page for each printer, we need to divide the total cost by the number of pages.

For Printer A:
Total cost = $19.99
Number of pages = 100
Cost per page = Total cost / Number of pages = $19.99 / 100 = $0.1999 (approximately $0.20 per page)

For Printer B:
Total cost = $57.99
Number of sheets = 275
Number of pages = Number of sheets * 2 (assuming 2 pages per sheet)
Number of pages = 275 * 2 = 550
Cost per page = Total cost / Number of pages = $57.99 / 550 = $0.1054 (approximately $0.21 per page)

Therefore, Printer A has a better rate of cost per page, as the approximate rate of Printer A, $0.20 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $0.21 per page.

So the correct answer is:
Printer A, because the approximate rate of Printer A, $0.20 per page, is less than the approximate rate of Printer B, $0.21 per page.