Exam: 05.02 Rates

Exam: 05.02 Rates
Student Name: Joanie Klema

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Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Rates MC)

Kenton compared gas mileage for three cars.

Car A—340 miles for 17 gallons
Car B—361 miles for 19 gallons
Car C—450 miles for 18 gallons

Which car has the best rate of miles per gallon?
Car A has the best rate at 20 miles per gallon.
Car B has the best rate at 19 miles per gallon.
Car C has the best rate at 25 miles per gallon.
All three cars had the same rate of miles per gallon.
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Rates LC)

Gabby worked 30 hours in 4 days. Determine the rate for a ratio of the two different quantities.

30 over 34 hours per day
4 over 30 hours per day
30 over 4 hours per day
4 over 34 hours per day
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Rates MC)

On Saturday morning, Wendy watched one and a half hours of her favorite shows on television. During the shows there were 27 commercials. What is the unit rate of commercials per hour?

9 hours per commercial
12 commercials per hour
14 commercials per hour
18 commercials per hour

12 commercials per hour

To determine the correct answers for each question, let's analyze them step by step.

Question 1:

Car A: 340 miles for 17 gallons
Car B: 361 miles for 19 gallons
Car C: 450 miles for 18 gallons

To find the rate of miles per gallon for each car, we need to divide the number of miles by the number of gallons.

Rate for Car A: 340 miles / 17 gallons = 20 miles per gallon
Rate for Car B: 361 miles / 19 gallons = 19 miles per gallon
Rate for Car C: 450 miles / 18 gallons = 25 miles per gallon

Therefore, Car C has the best rate at 25 miles per gallon.

Answer: Car C has the best rate at 25 miles per gallon.

Question 2:

Gabby worked 30 hours in 4 days. To determine the rate, we need to divide the total hours worked by the number of days.

Rate = Total hours / Number of days

Rate = 30 hours / 4 days

Simplifying the ratio:

Rate = 15 / 2 hours per day

Answer: The rate is 15/2 hours per day.

Question 3:

Wendy watched one and a half hours of her favorite shows on Saturday morning, and there were 27 commercials during that time. To find the unit rate of commercials per hour, we need to divide the number of commercials by the number of hours.

Unit Rate = Number of commercials / Number of hours

Unit Rate = 27 commercials / 1.5 hours

Simplifying the ratio:

Unit Rate = 18 commercials per hour

Answer: The unit rate is 18 commercials per hour.