Explain how the line “ I’m fat but I’m thin inside “ has both literal and figurative meaning?

The line "I'm fat but I'm thin inside" can be interpreted both literally and figuratively.

Literal meaning: The literal interpretation of this line refers to a physical condition where the person may appear overweight or "fat" on the outside, but inside their body, they may have a lower body fat percentage or carry most of their weight in specific areas. In this sense, the statement highlights a discrepancy between the external perception of the person as being fat and their internal physical state.

Figurative meaning: On a figurative level, the line conveys a metaphorical message that goes beyond the physical appearance. It suggests that appearances can be deceiving, and the speaker is implying that despite their external appearance, they possess qualities or attributes that contradict the expectation associated with being overweight. It could imply that the person values their inner attributes such as intelligence, kindness, or emotional depth over physical appearance. This figurative meaning emphasizes that beauty or worth is more than just what is superficially visible to others.

The line "I'm fat but I'm thin inside" can be interpreted both literally and figuratively.

Literally, the statement suggests that the person speaking is physically overweight or fat, but on the inside, their emotions or thoughts might differ. It implies that their outer appearance does not reflect their inner self.

Figuratively, the line can be understood metaphorically. Here, being "fat" represents feeling burdened, overwhelmed, or having a heavy heart due to various life experiences. On the other hand, being "thin inside" means having emotional strength, resilience, or a buoyant spirit despite external circumstances. In this context, the phrase suggests that despite facing struggles or challenges, the person possesses inner strength or lightness of being.

Thus, the line "I'm fat but I'm thin inside" conveys both a literal representation of physical appearance versus inner emotions, as well as a figurative interpretation of the contrast between outer burdens and inner strength.