Read the passage from Beowulf.

Wealhtheow came in,
Hrothgar’s queen, observing the courtesies.
Adorned in her gold, she graciously saluted
the men in hall, then handed the cup
first to Hrothgar, their homeland’s guardian,
urging him to drink deep and enjoy it
because he was dear to them. And he drank it down
like the warlord he was, with festive cheer.
So the Helming woman went on her rounds,
queenly and dignified, decked out in rings,
offering the goblet to all ranks,
treating the household and the assembled troop
until it was Beowulf’s turn to take it from her hand.
With measured words she welcomed the Geat
and thanked God for granting her wish
that a deliverer she could believe in would arrive
to ease their afflictions.

Which inference is most supported by the passage?

Wealhtheow is more interested in wealth and power than she is in the safety of her people.
Wealhtheow is not pleased that Beowulf and his men have arrived to fight with Grendel.
Wealhtheow is nervous speaking in front of Beowulf and his men because she is afraid of them.
Wealhtheow has not been impressed by the men who have fought Grendel up to this point.

The most supported inference from the passage is that Wealhtheow is grateful and hopeful for Beowulf's arrival as a deliverer to ease their afflictions.

The most supported inference by the passage is: Wealhtheow is nervous speaking in front of Beowulf and his men because she is afraid of them.