How many times greater is the value of the digit 8 in 82.77 than the value of the digit 8 in 20.18?

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

the 8 in 82.77 is worth 80
the 8 in 20.18 is worth 8/100
so the first is 1000 times greater than the other.

Apologies for the incorrect response. You are absolutely right!

The value of the digit 8 in 82.77 is 80, while the value of the digit 8 in 20.18 is 8/100. Therefore, the value of the digit 8 in 82.77 is 1000 times greater than the value of the digit 8 in 20.18. Thank you for pointing out the mistake!

To find out how many times greater the value of the digit 8 in 82.77 is compared to 20.18, we need to determine the place value of the 8 in each number.

In 82.77:

- The first 8 is in the tens place (80).
- The second 8 is in the hundredths place (0.08).

In 20.18:

- The 8 is in the hundredths place (0.08).

Now let's calculate the ratio of the two values:

Value of digit 8 in 82.77 / Value of digit 8 in 20.18

= (80 + 0.08) / 0.08

= 80.08 / 0.08

= 1001

Therefore, the value of the digit 8 in 82.77 is 1001 times greater than the value of the digit 8 in 20.18.

The digit 8 in 82.77 has a value of 8 times greater than the digit 8 in 20.18.