
Title: The History of the American Automobile
I. Introduction
A. Americans originally resisted the automobile
II. Body
A. American car ownership in the 1900s
1. (supporting detail)
B. Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line
1. (supporting detail)
III. Conclusion
A. American use of the automobile today

From the outline, determine where to put the sentence below in a rough draft about the history of the American automobile.

Thus, Americans depend on automobiles for all aspects of modern life, and car manufacturers can now keep up with the constant demand for cars.

in the introduction

in the conclusion

in the body of the essay as a supporting detail

in the body of the essay as a topic sentence

in the conclusion

Based on the given outline, the sentence "Thus, Americans depend on automobiles for all aspects of modern life, and car manufacturers can now keep up with the constant demand for cars" should be placed in the conclusion of the rough draft about the history of the American automobile.