Robert makes $951 gross income per week and keeps $762 of it after tax withholding. How many allowances has Robert claimed?

To calculate the number of allowances Robert has claimed, we first need to determine his tax withholding.

Gross income: $951/week
Net income after tax withholding: $762/week

Tax withholding = Gross income - Net income
Tax withholding = $951 - $762 = $189/week

Next, we need to determine the amount of tax withheld per allowance claimed. This amount can vary depending on the individual's tax bracket and the allowances claimed. Let's assume that in Robert's case, each allowance reduces his tax withholding by $50.

Number of allowances claimed = Tax withholding / Amount withheld per allowance
Number of allowances claimed = $189 / $50
Number of allowances claimed ≈ 3.78

Since allowances cannot be fractions or partial amounts, we would round this result down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Robert has claimed 3 allowances.

To determine how many allowances Robert has claimed, we need to calculate the amount of tax withheld from his gross income per week.

The withheld tax can be calculated by subtracting the net income (the amount Robert keeps after tax withholding) from the gross income:

Tax withheld = Gross income - Net income

Tax withheld = $951 - $762
= $189

The allowances claimed by Robert can vary based on his specific tax situation, such as marital status, dependents, and other factors. However, the number of allowances typically corresponds to the income tax withholding tables provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States.

To determine the number of allowances, we need more information about Robert's tax situation or the specific tax withholding tables used in his country or state.