14. A client who often is short of breath is afraid to be left alone. Which should the nurse do to help reduce the client's fear? Select all that apply.

1) Assign the nursing assistant to remain with the client continuously
2) Encourage the client to become friends with other clients .
3) Position the client in a wheelchair by the nurses station .
4) Answer the client's call bell quickly .
5) Monitor the client regularly

1) Assign the nursing assistant to remain with the client continuously

3) Position the client in a wheelchair by the nurses station .
4) Answer the client's call bell quickly .
5) Monitor the client regularly

To help reduce the client's fear of being left alone while often experiencing shortness of breath, the nurse should consider the following options:

1) Assign the nursing assistant to remain with the client continuously: This ensures the client has someone present to provide immediate assistance and support when needed.

3) Position the client in a wheelchair by the nurses station: Placing the client in close proximity to the nurses station allows for increased supervision and quick access to assistance.

4) Answer the client's call bell quickly: Promptly responding to the client's call bell reinforces the idea that help is readily available, reducing their fear and anxiety.

5) Monitor the client regularly: Regular monitoring allows the nurse to assess the client's respiratory status, provide necessary interventions, and offer reassurance when needed.

Option 2, encouraging the client to become friends with other clients, may provide social support but does not directly address the fear of being left alone. Therefore, it is not a primary intervention in reducing the client's fear in this situation.