Play Doh recipie without cream of tartar and lemon juice but you cook

Here's a recipe for homemade Play-Doh without cream of tartar and lemon juice that requires cooking:

- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup salt
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar substitute (you can use baking powder instead)
- 1 1/2 cups water
- Food coloring of your choice

1. In a large saucepan, combine the flour, salt, and cream of tartar substitute (or baking powder).
2. Add the vegetable oil and water to the saucepan, and whisk everything together until well combined.
3. Place the saucepan over medium heat and cook the mixture, stirring constantly, for about 5-7 minutes. The mixture will start to thicken and form a dough-like consistency.
4. Once the mixture starts coming together and pulling away from the sides of the saucepan, remove it from the heat.
5. Allow the dough to cool for a few minutes until it is safe to handle.
6. Divide the dough into equal parts, depending on how many different colors you want to make.
7. Add your desired food coloring to each portion of dough and knead it until the color is evenly distributed. You may want to wear gloves to avoid staining your hands.
8. Your homemade Play-Doh is now ready to be molded and shaped! Store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh.

Note: This recipe provides a cooked version of Play-Doh, which offers a smoother texture compared to non-cooked alternatives. Keep in mind that cooking time may vary depending on the heat intensity, so it's important to keep stirring constantly to prevent burning.

Sure! Here's a simple recipe for homemade Play-Doh without cream of tartar and lemon juice that requires cooking:

- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup salt
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 cup water
- Food coloring (optional)
- Saucepan
- Whisk or spoon
- Mixing bowl
- Stove or cooktop

1. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.
2. In a separate saucepan, heat the water and vegetable oil over medium heat until it reaches a simmer. Remove from heat.
3. Slowly pour the hot water and oil mixture into the bowl with the flour and salt. Be careful as the mixture may be hot.
4. Stir the mixture with a whisk or spoon until it starts to come together. Once it becomes difficult to mix with the utensil, switch to kneading it with your hands.
5. Transfer the dough to a clean, flat surface and continue kneading until it forms a smooth, pliable consistency. If the dough feels sticky, you can add a little more flour while kneading.
6. Optionally, divide the dough into smaller portions for different colors. Add a few drops of food coloring to each portion and knead until the color is evenly distributed.
7. Once the Play-Doh has cooled down, it is ready to be used! Store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh.

Please note that although this is a non-edible recipe, it's still important to supervise children closely while playing with homemade Play-Doh to ensure they don't ingest it.