List of kingdoms in biology

- Animal Kingdom

- Plant Kingdom
- Fungi Kingdom
- Protista Kingdom
- Archaea Kingdom
- Bacteria Kingdom

In biology, there are multiple levels of classification called "taxonomic ranks." The highest rank is the domain, followed by kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. As of now, there are five recognized kingdoms in biology. Let's go through each one step-by-step:

1. Animalia (Animal Kingdom): This kingdom consists of multicellular organisms that are eukaryotes, meaning their cells have a nucleus. Animals include a wide variety of organisms, ranging from sponges to insects to mammals.

2. Plantae (Plant Kingdom): This kingdom comprises multicellular organisms capable of photosynthesis. Plants include mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants.

3. Fungi (Fungus Kingdom): Fungi are multicellular or unicellular eukaryotic organisms that obtain nutrients through absorption. They include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts.

4. Protista (Protist Kingdom): This kingdom consists of diverse eukaryotic microorganisms that do not fit into any other kingdom. Protists can be unicellular or multicellular and include amoebas, euglenas, and algae.

5. Monera (Bacteria Kingdom): The Monera kingdom has now been divided into two separate domains, Bacteria and Archaea. Bacteria are single-celled prokaryotes, meaning they lack a nucleus. They are incredibly diverse and can be found in a wide range of environments.

Please note that taxonomy is constantly evolving, and there may be revisions or changes to these classifications as new scientific discoveries are made.