
If you want to get a true picture of someone’s life, you should _____

read a variety of biographies about the person.

read that person’s autobiography.

read a biography written by the subject’s friend.

read a biography written by a historian.

All of the above options can provide valuable insights into someone's life, but the most accurate and comprehensive perspective would likely be achieved by reading a variety of biographies about the person. This would allow you to gather information from different perspectives and draw a more well-rounded understanding.

To get a true picture of someone's life, you should consider the following steps:

1. Read a variety of biographies about the person: By reading multiple biographies, you can gain different perspectives and insights into the person's life. Each biographer may have their own interpretation, providing a broader understanding.

2. Read that person's autobiography: An autobiography, written by the person themselves, can provide a firsthand account of their life. This can offer unique insights and personal anecdotes that may not be included in other biographies.

3. Read a biography written by the subject's friend: Biographies written by close friends or acquaintances of the person can provide a more intimate view into their life. These accounts might contain personal stories, anecdotes, and details that only those close to them would know.

4. Read a biography written by a historian: Biographies written by historians often include a comprehensive and research-based approach. Historians typically use primary sources, conduct thorough research, and provide historical context, enhancing the accuracy of their accounts.

It's important to note that each source may have its own biases or limitations, so considering multiple perspectives is key to gaining a well-rounded understanding of someone's life.