the rated power output of an engine is 7,460W. how much energy would it produce in 10 minutes?

To calculate the energy produced by the engine in 10 minutes, we need to multiply the power output by the time duration:

Energy = Power x Time

Energy = (7,460 W) x (10 minutes)

First, let's convert the time duration from minutes to seconds:

10 minutes = 10 x 60 seconds = 600 seconds

Now, we can substitute the values into the equation:

Energy = (7,460 W) x (600 seconds)

Energy ≈ 4,476,000 joules

Therefore, the engine would produce around 4,476,000 joules of energy in 10 minutes.

To calculate the energy produced by the engine in 10 minutes, you need to convert the time from minutes to seconds and then use the formula:

Energy = Power x Time

Let's start by converting 10 minutes to seconds:

10 minutes = 10 x 60 seconds = 600 seconds

Now, we can calculate the energy produced:

Energy = Power x Time
Energy = 7,460W x 600 seconds

To find the result, let's calculate the product of 7,460W and 600:

Energy = 4,476,000 joules

Therefore, the engine would produce 4,476,000 joules of energy in 10 minutes.