Please solve the conversion:

16oz=how many mL Show all work

To solve for the conversion of 16 ounces to milliliters, we need to know the conversion rate between fluid ounces and milliliters.

1 fluid ounce is equal to approximately 29.5735 milliliters.

So, to find the equivalent milliliters for 16 ounces, we multiply 16 by the conversion rate:

16 oz * 29.5735 mL/1 oz = 473.176 mL

Therefore, 16 ounces is equal to 473.176 milliliters.

To convert ounces (oz) to milliliters (mL), we need to know the conversion factor between the two units. The conversion factor for this specific conversion is:

1 fluid ounce (oz) = 29.5735 milliliters (mL)

So, we can set up the conversion as follows:

16 oz * (29.5735 mL / 1 oz) = ? mL

Now, let's simplify the expression:

16 oz * 29.5735 mL / 1 oz = 472.376 mL

Therefore, 16 ounces is equal to 472.376 milliliters.