Order: Heparin 0.5units / k * gN for D * sqrt(T) On hand: Heparin 1000units / m * L Client's weight : 175 lbs How many milliliters will you give each day ? Show all work

To calculate how many milliliters of Heparin to give each day, we need to follow the given formula:

Heparin 0.5 units / k * gN for D * sqrt(T)

First, let's convert the client's weight from pounds to kilograms. We know that 1 kilogram is approximately 2.20462 pounds, so:

175 lbs / 2.20462 lbs/kg = 79.38 kg (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Next, let's calculate D * sqrt(T) using the formula. We need to know the time duration (T) for which we are administering Heparin. Let's assume it's 1 day for this calculation.

sqrt(T) = sqrt(1) = 1

Now, let's substitute the values into the formula:

Heparin = 0.5 units / k * gN * D * sqrt(T)
= 0.5 units / kg * 79.38 kg * 1

The kg in the numerator and denominator cancels out, leaving us with:

Heparin = 0.5 units / 1 * 79.38

Now, let's calculate the total units of Heparin required:

Heparin = 0.5 * 79.38
= 39.69 units

Since we have Heparin 1000 units / mL on hand, we can calculate the number of milliliters required by dividing the total units by the units per milliliter:

Milliliters = 39.69 units / 1000 units/mL
= 0.03969 mL

Therefore, you would give approximately 0.03969 milliliters of Heparin to the client each day.

To calculate the number of milliliters of Heparin to give each day, we will follow the given steps:

Step 1: Convert the client's weight from pounds to kilograms.
Step 2: Calculate the dosage of Heparin based on the client's weight.
Step 3: Convert the dosage from units to milliliters.

Let's calculate each step step-by-step:

Step 1: Convert the client's weight from pounds to kilograms.
1 pound = 0.453592 kilograms
175 lbs = 175 * 0.453592 kg = 79.3786 kg (rounded to the nearest hundredths)

Step 2: Calculate the dosage of Heparin based on the client's weight.
Dosage = Heparin dose 0.5 units / kg * client's weight in kg
Dosage = 0.5 units / kg * 79.3786 kg
Dosage ≈ 39.69 units (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 3: Convert the dosage from units to milliliters.
The on-hand concentration is 1000 units / mL.

Dosage (in mL) = Dosage (in units) / Concentration (in units/mL)
Dosage (in mL) = 39.69 units / 1000 units/mL
Dosage (in mL) ≈ 0.03969 mL (rounded to five decimal places)

Therefore, you would give approximately 0.03969 milliliters of Heparin each day based on the client's weight.