According to the Quran (Koran), Muhammad

is considered the last and final prophet of Islam. He is believed to have received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years, which were later compiled into the Quran. Muhammad is highly revered in the Islamic faith as the ideal role model for Muslims to follow in both personal and religious matters. His teachings and example form the basis for Islamic moral, ethical, and spiritual guidance.

According to the Quran (Koran), Muhammad is considered the final prophet in Islam. He is believed to have been chosen by Allah (God) to receive and convey divine revelation. Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca in present-day Saudi Arabia in the year 570 CE. He began receiving revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel at the age of 40, and these revelations form the basis of the Islamic faith.

Muhammad is highly revered by Muslims worldwide for his role as a prophet, religious leader, and social reformer. He is known for spreading the message of monotheism and establishing Islam as a complete way of life. He faced numerous challenges and opposition in his mission, but his teachings brought about the unification of Arabian tribes and the establishment of a just and compassionate society.

Muhammad's life and teachings, as recorded in the Quran, provide guidance on matters of faith, morality, social conduct, and governance for Muslims. His example as a model of conduct (known as the "Sunnah") is also followed by Muslims to this day. Muhammad passed away in the year 632 CE in the city of Medina, and his legacy continues to shape the beliefs and practices of over one billion Muslims worldwide.