At Ryan's family reunion, Ryan hands out watermelon for the annual seed-spitting contest. He gives a watermelon slice to each kid at the reunion. He also gives a slice to 25 adults. Ryan hands out 55 watermelon slices in all.

Which equation can you use to find how many kids k are at the reunion?

A. 25k=55
B. k+25=55

Kids= ?

To find the number of kids (k) at the reunion, we can use the equation B. k + 25 = 55.

This equation represents that the number of kids (k) plus the number of adults (25) is equal to the total number of watermelon slices handed out (55).

Which expressions are equivalent to the given expression (-radical 9 + radical -4)

The given expression is (-√9 + √-4).

Now, let's simplify each term separately:

√9 is equal to 3, since the square root of 9 is 3.

√-4 is an imaginary number since the square root of -4 is not a real number. We can write it as 2i, where i represents the imaginary unit.

Therefore, the expression (-√9 + √-4) simplifies to (-3 + 2i).

So, the equivalent expressions to (-√9 + √-4) are -3 + 2i.

The function f(x) goes through the point (2, 6). What point will this translate to in the function f(x) = (x + 2) – 3? (0, 3) (4, 3) (4, 9) (0, 9)

To find the translated point in the function f(x) = (x + 2) - 3, we need to substitute the values of x and y from the original point (2, 6) into the new function.

When we substitute x = 2 into f(x) = (x + 2) - 3, we get:

f(2) = (2 + 2) - 3
= 4 - 3
= 1

So, the translated point will have x = 2 and y = 1.

Therefore, the point that will translate to in the function f(x) = (x + 2) - 3 is (2, 1).

To find how many kids are at the reunion, we can set up the following equation:

Number of kids (k) + Number of adults (25) = Total number of watermelon slices (55)

This can be written as:

k + 25 = 55

So the correct equation to find how many kids (k) are at the reunion is option B: k + 25 = 55

To find how many kids are at the reunion, we need to set up an equation based on the information given in the question.

We know that Ryan gives a watermelon slice to each kid at the reunion. Let's represent the number of kids as "k."

Ryan also gives a slice to 25 adults, so the total number of watermelon slices handed out is 55.

Since Ryan gives a watermelon slice to each kid, the number of watermelon slices handed out to kids would be equal to the number of kids, represented as "k".

Therefore, the equation to find the number of kids, k, at the reunion is:

k = 55

So the correct equation is:

B. k + 25 = 55