Creative writing is particularly hard to critique because it is often rather stylistic.

O subjective
O objective
O emotional
O thoughtful
(1 poir
26. A writer can add context to the conversation by remembering the characters are not standing alone in a box while they are talking.
O True
O False

O True

Creative writing is particularly hard to critique because it is often rather stylistic.

1. subjective
2. objective
3. emotional
4. thoughtful

26. A writer can add context to the conversation by remembering the characters are not standing alone in a box while they are talking.
1. True
2. False

1. subjective

A writer can add context to the conversation by remembering the characters are not standing alone in a box while they are talking.

1. True
2. False

1. True

To critically evaluate something is to

O describe
O critique
O read
it. (1 point)
28. Gratuitous dialogue doesn't facilitate the
O setting
O reader
O screenplay

O critique

Gratuitous dialogue doesn't facilitate the

1. setting
2. Plot
3. reader
4. screenplay

2. Plot

Objective can be defined as:

(1 point)
• intended to convince
O seeking to explain or clarify
O influenced by personal opinion or view
O not affected by personal opinions or views; impartial
30. Writers should strive to have a certain level of tension and
O conflict
O sketches
O sluglines