Black is dominant (BB) for rabbit fur.

White is recessive (bb) for rabbit fur.
crosses a homozygous black with a homozygous white rabbit
The genotype of offspring (give a number of each genotype) Phenotype of offspring (give the color of the phenotype(s))

The genotype of offspring:

- 100% Bb (heterozygous black)

Phenotype of offspring:
- 100% black

To determine the genotype and phenotype of the offspring, we can use Punnett square analysis.

The homozygous black rabbit has the genotype BB, while the homozygous white rabbit has the genotype bb.

Using a Punnett square, we can cross these two genotypes:

| B | B
b | Bb | Bb

From the Punnett square, we can see that all the offspring will have the genotype Bb.

The phenotype of the offspring will be black, as black (BB) is dominant over white (bb).

Therefore, all the offspring will have the genotype Bb and the phenotype will be black.