What is tourism product?

Tourism product refers to the combination of various tangible and intangible elements that are offered to tourists as part of their travel experience. It typically includes a range of goods, services, and experiences that are specifically designed and packaged for tourists. Examples of tourism products can include accommodation, transportation, attractions, activities, food and beverages, entertainment, and various other amenities and services that cater to the needs and preferences of tourists. These products are often developed and marketed by tourism organizations, such as hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, and destination management companies, with the aim of attracting visitors to a particular destination or experience.

A tourism product is a combination of goods, services, and experiences that are offered to tourists or visitors. It refers to the entire package that attracts and satisfies travelers. The tourism product can include various elements such as accommodation, transportation, attractions, activities, events, and other services. These components are combined and marketed to create a unique experience for tourists and meet their specific needs and desires.