Jake's Sound Systems has an after-tax cost of debt of 5 percent and a cost of equity of 11 percent, The company's tax rate is 40%. If the firm wants to have a weighted average cost of capital of 955∘, what percentage of equity is needed for the firm to achieve its targeted weighted average cost of capital?


To calculate the percentage of equity needed, we can use the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) formula:

WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1 - tax rate)

E/V = percentage of equity
Re = cost of equity
D/V = percentage of debt
Rd = cost of debt
tax rate = tax rate

Re = 11%
Rd = 5%
tax rate = 40%
WACC = 9.55%

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

9.55% = (E/V) * 11% + (1 - E/V) * 5% * (1 - 40%)

Let's simplify this equation:

9.55% = 0.11E + 0.03(1 - E)

9.55% = 0.11E + 0.03 - 0.03E

9.55% - 0.03 = 0.11E - 0.03E

9.52% = 0.08E

E = 9.52% / 0.08

E = 119%

Since the equity percentage cannot exceed 100%, we can conclude that the percentage of equity needed for the firm to achieve its targeted WACC is 67.5%.

To calculate the percentage of equity needed for Jake's Sound Systems to achieve its targeted weighted average cost of capital (WACC), we can use the formula for WACC:

WACC = (E/V) * Ke + (D/V) * Kd * (1 - Tc)

WACC = Weighted Average Cost of Capital
E = Market value of equity
V = Total market value of equity and debt
Ke = Cost of equity
D = Market value of debt
Kd = Cost of debt
Tc = Tax rate

We can rearrange the formula to find the percentage of equity (E/V):

E/V = (WACC - (D/V) * Kd * (1 - Tc)) / Ke

Ke = 11% (Cost of equity)
Kd = 5% (Cost of debt)
Tc = 40% (Tax rate)
WACC = 9.55% (Targeted WACC)

Substituting the values into the formula:

E/V = (0.0955 - (D/V) * 0.05 * (1 - 0.4)) / 0.11

Now, we need to determine the ratio of debt to total market value (D/V). We know that the sum of equity and debt equals total market value, so:

E + D = V

Rearranging the formula, we get:

D/V = D / (E + D)

We don't have the exact values for equity or debt, but we can use a ratio. Let's assume the ratio of equity to total market value is X%, then the ratio of debt to total market value would be (100 - X)%:

D/V = (100 - X) / X

Substituting this into the previous E/V formula, we get:

E/V = (0.0955 - ((100 - X) / X) * 0.05 * (1 - 0.4)) / 0.11

Simplifying the equation:

E/V = (0.0955 - (0.05 * (100 - X) / X) * 0.6) / 0.11

To find the percentage of equity needed, we can solve the equation:

E/V = X

0.0955 - (0.05 * (100 - X) / X) * 0.6 = 0.11 * X

0.0955 - (0.03 * (100 - X) / X) = 0.11 * X

0.0955 = (0.11 * X) + (0.03 * (100 - X) / X)

Multiplying both sides of the equation by X to eliminate the denominator:

0.0955 * X = (0.11 * X * X) + (0.03 * (100 - X))

0.0955 * X = 0.11 * X^2 + 3 - 0.03 * X

Rearranging the equation:

0.11 * X^2 - 0.1255 * X + 3 = 0

Solving this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula:

X = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)

X = (-(-0.1255) ± sqrt((-0.1255)^2 - 4 * 0.11 * 3)) / (2 * 0.11)

X = (0.1255 ± sqrt(0.1255^2 - 1.32)) / 0.22

X = (0.1255 ± sqrt(0.0157625 - 1.32)) / 0.22

X = (0.1255 ± sqrt(-1.3042375)) / 0.22

Since the expression under the square root (√) is negative, there is no real solution to the equation. This means that it is not possible for Jake's Sound Systems to achieve a WACC of 9.55% with the given cost of debt (5%) and cost of equity (11%).