Albert invested money into the stock market, and the table represents his earnings. What type of function could be used to model his bank account as a function of time? Justify your answer.

Week Balance ($)
1 428
2 620
3 812
4 1,004

This is an exponential function because there is a common difference in the balance between the weeks.
This is an exponential function because there is a common ratio in the balance between the weeks.
This is a linear function because there is a common difference in the balance between the weeks.
This is a linear function because there is a common ratio in the balance between the weeks.

This is a linear function because there is a common difference in the balance between the weeks. The difference between the balance in each week is always the same, as it increases by 192 each week. Therefore, the relationship between the balance and the week number can be represented by a linear function.

The price of silver has increased by 15% per year from 2000. In the year 2000, Harry bought a silver bowl for $190. Which of the following equations can be used to represent the price of the bowl x years after 2000?

y = 190(0.85)x
y = 190(1.15)x
y = 15(1.15)x
y = 15(0.85)x

The correct equation to represent the price of the bowl x years after 2000 would be y = 190(1.15)^x.

An expression is shown below:

the square root of 18 plus the square root of 2

Which statement is true about the expression?

It is rational and equal to 4 times the square root of 2.
It is irrational and equal to 4 times the square root of 2.
It is rational and equal to 3 times the square root of 2.
It is irrational and equal to 3 times the square root of 2.

The statement "It is irrational and equal to 3 times the square root of 2" is true about the expression.

Initially, there were only 86 weeds in the garden. The weeds grew at a rate of 18% each week. The following function represents the weekly weed growth: f(x) = 86(1.18)x. Rewrite the function to show how quickly the weeds grow each day.

f(x) = 86(1.02)x; grows approximately at a rate of 0.2% daily
f(x) = 86(1.18)7x; grows approximately at a rate of 1.8% daily
f(x) = 86(1.02)7x; grows approximately at a rate of 2% daily
f(x) = 86(1.187)x; grows approximately at a rate of 0.18% daily

To show the growth rate of the weeds per day, we need to divide the weekly growth rate by 7 since there are 7 days in a week.

The correct rewrite of the function to show the daily growth rate of the weeds is:

f(x) = 86(1.18/7)x

Therefore, the correct option is:
f(x) = 86(1.02)x; grows approximately at a rate of 0.2% daily