Based on the summary of descriptive statistics result presented in Table 2 below, interpret and briefly discuss the results for each variable (Hit: Apply measurement concepts of central tendency and dispersion

Table 2: Summary of descriptive statistics results for the variables
There was spillover effect of Knowledge on economic planning process at village level
Perception on Rate of Project failure
Age Gender Education (in years of schooling)
0.576471 39.61176 0.647059 16.64706
Std. Dev.
0.4970 40.2850 0.4807 1.1922
Min. Max.
0 1 25 75 0 1 13 18

Inadequate Fund Low/no community participation Change in government priorities Inadequate human capita capacity
Question Three
0.874118 0.647059 0.647059 0.748824
0.1635 0 1 0.4807 0 1 0.7307 0 1 0.4769 0 1

Based on the summary of descriptive statistics results presented in Table 2, the following interpretations can be made for each variable:

1. Perception on Rate of Project Failure:
- The mean perception score is 0.576471, indicating that on average, respondents have a slightly negative perception of project failure rates.
- The standard deviation is 0.4970, suggesting that there is some variability in respondents' perception scores.
- The minimum score is 0, indicating that some respondents have a very positive perception of project success rates, while the maximum score is 1, suggesting that some respondents have a very negative perception.

2. Age:
- The mean age is 39.61176, indicating the average age of the respondents.
- The standard deviation is 40.2850, indicating a wide range of ages in the sample.
- The minimum age is 25 and the maximum age is 75, indicating the range of ages in the sample.

3. Gender:
- The mean gender score is 0.647059, indicating that, on average, there is a slightly higher proportion of one gender in the sample.
- The standard deviation is 0.4807, suggesting that there is some variability in the gender composition of the sample.
- The minimum score is 0, indicating that some respondents are exclusively one gender, while the maximum score is 1, indicating that some respondents are exclusively the other gender.

4. Education (in years of schooling):
- The mean education level is 16.64706, indicating the average number of years of schooling completed by the respondents.
- The standard deviation is 1.1922, suggesting that there is some variability in the education levels of the respondents.
- The minimum education level is 13 and the maximum education level is 18, indicating the range of education levels in the sample.

Overall, based on the descriptive statistics results, it can be concluded that respondents have a slightly negative perception of project failure rates, the ages of the respondents vary widely, there is a slightly higher proportion of one gender in the sample, and the education levels of the respondents vary to some extent.

Based on the summary of descriptive statistics presented in Table 2, the results for each variable can be interpreted as follows:

1. Perception on Rate of Project Failure:
- Mean: The average perception rate of project failure is 0.576471.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of perception rates is 0.4970.
- Min/Max: The minimum perception rate of project failure is 0, and the maximum is 1.

2. Age:
- Mean: The average age of participants is 39.61176 years.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of ages is 40.2850.
- Min/Max: The minimum age is 25 years, and the maximum is 75 years.

3. Gender:
- Mean: The average value for gender is 0.647059.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of gender values is 0.4807.
- Min/Max: The minimum value for gender is 0, representing one gender, and the maximum is 1, representing the other gender.

4. Education (in years of schooling):
- Mean: The average number of years of schooling is 16.64706.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of the number of years of schooling is 1.1922.
- Min/Max: The minimum number of years of schooling is 13, and the maximum is 18.

5. Inadequate Fund:
- Mean: The average perception of inadequate funds is 0.874118.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of perceptions of inadequate funds is 0.1635.
- Min/Max: The minimum perception of inadequate funds is 0, and the maximum is 1.

6. Low/no community participation:
- Mean: The average perception of low or no community participation is 0.647059.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of perceptions of low or no community participation is 0.
- Min/Max: The minimum perception of low or no community participation is 0, and the maximum is 1.

7. Change in government priorities:
- Mean: The average perception of changes in government priorities is 0.647059.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of perceptions of changes in government priorities is 0.4807.
- Min/Max: The minimum perception of changes in government priorities is 0, and the maximum is 1.

8. Inadequate human capacity:
- Mean: The average perception of inadequate human capacity is 0.748824.
- Standard Deviation: The variability of perceptions of inadequate human capacity is 0.1635.
- Min/Max: The minimum perception of inadequate human capacity is 0, and the maximum is 1.

In summary, these descriptive statistics provide information about the central tendency (mean) and dispersion (standard deviation, min/max) of each variable. They give insights into the average values, variability, and range of perceptions, age, gender, and education levels among the participants in relation to the factors influencing the economic planning process at the village level.