Explain what a chisel is used for.

A chisel is a hand tool with a sharp cutting edge at the end of a metal blade and a handle/sleeve for gripping. It is primarily used for cutting and shaping hard materials, such as wood, stone, metal, or concrete. The sharp edge of the chisel allows it to carve, chip, or sculpt the material by removing small chips or shaving away layers. Chisels have various types and sizes, each designed for specific tasks, such as gouging, paring, mortising, or detailing. They are commonly used by carpenters, woodworkers, masons, sculptors, and craftsmen for woodworking, sculpting, and fine detailing work.

A chisel is a hand tool that is designed with a sharp cutting edge at the end of a metal blade. It is typically used for cutting, carving, and shaping wood, stone, or other materials. A chisel can be struck with a hammer or mallet, or used by hand pressure to remove material in small, controlled increments. The blade of a chisel is usually made of hardened steel and can have different shapes and sizes depending on the specific task at hand. It is commonly used by carpenters, woodworkers, sculptors, and masons for various woodworking, carving, and construction projects.