If 1naira=,$1.60,how many dollars $are there in 160.00 naira

If 1 naira is equal to $1.60, then 160 naira would be equal to:

160 naira * $1.60/naira = $<<160*1.60=256>>256

Therefore, there are $256 in 160.00 naira.

To convert 160.00 naira to dollars, we can use the conversion rate of 1 naira = $1.60.

Step 1: Determine the conversion rate

1 naira = $1.60

Step 2: Multiply the conversion rate by the number of naira

$1.60 x 160.00 naira = $<<1.60*160.00=256.00>>256.00

Therefore, there are $256.00 in 160.00 naira.