the label on a loaf of bread says it has 1.4g of fat in a 38g slice. The label on a packet of bread rolls says each 55g roll has 2.1g of fat. which has the higher proportion of fat?

To determine which has the higher proportion of fat, we need to compare the fat content per gram of each item.

1. For the loaf of bread:
Fat content per gram = 1.4g fat / 38g slice ≈ 0.0368g/g

2. For the bread rolls:
Fat content per gram = 2.1g fat / 55g roll ≈ 0.0382g/g

Comparing the two proportions, the bread rolls have a slightly higher proportion of fat per gram compared to the loaf of bread.

To determine which has the higher proportion of fat, we need to compare the fat content per gram of each item.

For the loaf of bread:
Fat content per gram = 1.4g/38g = 0.0368g/g

For the bread rolls:
Fat content per gram = 2.1g/55g = 0.0382g/g

Comparing the fat content per gram, the bread rolls have a higher proportion of fat.