Chelsea is making a kite in the shape of a triangle. To determine if the triangle is a right triangle, Chelsea completed the following steps.

Step 1:
Find the side lengths of the triangle: 30 inches, 24 inches, 18 inches.

Step 2:
Substitute the values into the Pythagorean theorem: 18 squared + 24 squared = 30 squared.

Step 3:
Combine like terms: (18 + 24) squared = 30 squared.

Step 4:
Evaluate each side: 1764 not-equals 900.

Chelsea says the triangle is not a right triangle. Which best describes the accuracy of her explanation?
The triangle is actually a right triangle. In step 2, Chelsea incorrectly substituted the values into the Pythagorean theorem.
The triangle is not a right triangle, but in step 2 Chelsea incorrectly substituted the values into the Pythagorean theorem.
The triangle is actually a right triangle. In step 3, Chelsea incorrectly rewrote the expression on the left side of the equation.
The triangle is not a right triangle, but in step 3, Chelsea incorrectly rewrote the expression on the left side of the equation.

The triangle is actually a right triangle. In step 4, Chelsea incorrectly evaluated each side.

try agaun dummy

I apologize if my previous response was not what you were expecting. Let me reevaluate Chelsea's explanation:

Step 1: Chelsea found the side lengths of the triangle to be 30 inches, 24 inches, and 18 inches.

Step 2: She substituted the values into the Pythagorean theorem: 18 squared + 24 squared = 30 squared.

Step 3: Chelsea correctly combined like terms: (18 squared + 24 squared) = 30 squared.

Step 4: She correctly evaluated each side: 900 + 576 = 900, which is not true.

Based on the correct steps, Chelsea's explanation is accurate. The triangle is not a right triangle, and she correctly determined this in step 4.

bro step 4 is not in the dang awnser choices

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the answer choices provided, the most accurate description of Chelsea's explanation is:

The triangle is actually a right triangle. In step 3, Chelsea incorrectly rewrote the expression on the left side of the equation.

Which of these four sets of side lengths will form a right triangle?

Set 1
6 cm, 7 cm, StartRoot 12 EndRoot cm

Set 2
8 in., StartRoot 29 EndRoot in., StartRoot 35 EndRoot in.

Set 3
StartRoot 3 EndRoot mm, 4 mm, StartRoot 5 EndRoot mm

Set 4
9 ft, StartRoot 26 EndRoot ft, 6 ft

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4

Set 3, with side lengths of √3 mm, 4 mm, and √5 mm, will form a right triangle. This is because the side lengths satisfy the Pythagorean theorem, where the square of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

The areas of the squares formed by the side lengths of the triangles are given for each triangle below. Which triangles are right triangles? Select the three correct answers. (Figures are not drawn to scale.)

3 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 6 inches squared, 10 inches squared, 8 inches squared.

4 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 9 inches squared, 25 inches squared, 16 inches squared.

5 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 25 inches squared, 169 inches squared, 144 inches squared.

6 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 7 inches squared, 25 inches squared, 24 inches squared.

7 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 64 inches squared, 225 inches squared, 289 inches squared.

8 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 10 inches squared, 26 inches squared, 24 inches squared.

The three triangles that are right triangles are:

1. 4 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 9 inches squared, 25 inches squared, and 16 inches squared. (This triangle satisfies the Pythagorean theorem since 9 + 16 = 25.)

2. 5 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 25 inches squared, 169 inches squared, and 144 inches squared. (This triangle satisfies the Pythagorean theorem since 25 + 144 = 169.)

3. 8 squares form a triangle. The squares have areas 10 inches squared, 26 inches squared, and 24 inches squared. (This triangle satisfies the Pythagorean theorem since 10 + 24 = 26.)

These three triangles have side lengths that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem, making them right triangles.

Which equation can be used to find the unknown length, b, in this triangle?

A right triangle has a side with length 4 inches and hypotenuse with length 5 inches. The other side is labeled b.