

To multiply 241 by 107, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the units digit of the first number (1) by the second number (7), which gives you 7.
Step 2: Multiply the tens digit of the first number (4) by the second number (7), which gives you 28. Since this is a two-digit number, write down the units digit (8) and carry over the tens digit (2).
Step 3: Multiply the hundreds digit of the first number (2) by the second number (7), which gives you 14. Add the carried over tens digit (2) to get 16.
Step 4: Write down the result from Step 3 (16) and place it to the left of the two-digit result from Step 2 (8). This gives you 168.
Step 5: Write down the units digit from Step 1 (7) to the left of the result from Step 4. This gives you the final result of 16,168.

So, 241 multiplied by 107 is equal to 16,168.