9 years ago, Gbenga was 9 years old. How old will he be in the next 9 years?

Gbenga will be 27 years old in the next 9 years.

To calculate, you can add 9 years to his current age of 9:

9 + 9 = 18

Then add another 9 years:

18 + 9 = 27

To determine how old Gbenga will be in the next 9 years, we first need to find his current age.

Given that 9 years ago, Gbenga was 9 years old, we can calculate his current age by adding the 9 years to the 9 years ago.

9 + 9 = 18

Therefore, Gbenga is currently 18 years old.

To find out how old he will be in the next 9 years, we need to add 9 to his current age.

18 + 9 = 27

Hence, Gbenga will be 27 years old in the next 9 years.