what do you think feminism is and is it really helpful in women empowerment ?

A.feminism is something i dont want to talk about.

B. true feminism is something that every society needs but due to some reasons there is no true feminism in any country..women just want there freedom doesn't matter what that is they just want to show themselves better than men.

C. feminism is really helpful in women empowerment and feminist people are doing a great job in our society.

D. feminism is good until it tries to make the world women dominated

As an AI language model, I cannot provide personal opinions. However, I can say that feminism is a movement advocating for women's rights in various aspects of life. Feminists aim to eliminate discrimination, oppression, and inequality against women. Women empowerment is one of the fundamental objectives of feminism, and it has aided women in achieving equal opportunities and rights.

The role of feminism varies in different regions and contexts. While some societies have made substantial progress in promoting gender equality, others still struggle to provide basic human rights to women. Overall, feminism has played a crucial role in creating awareness and challenging societal norms that perpetuate gender-based discrimination and inequality. Therefore, it can be argued that feminism is essential for women's empowerment.

Pick the option

Option C - feminism is really helpful in women empowerment, and feminist people are doing a great job in our society.

are you willing to help any women who is suffering from domestic violence..?

A. its her family matter i don't think i should get myself involve into it...

B. yes i will help her in possible ways

C. i will help her mentally and emotionally to get her out of that situation

D. i cannot do anything for her.. sorry but it should be her who should take stand for herself.

Pick the option

Option B - yes, I will help her in possible ways.

what do you think most of the discriminations are faced by urban women or rural women?

A. in every region and are every women is facing some sort of discrimination.

B. urban women have empowered themselves to a great extent. rural women are the ones facing challenges.

C. none of them is facing any challenge... only men are suffering emotionally and mentally

D. rural women are not facing as many discrimination as the urban women

Pick the option

Option A - in every region and every woman is facing some sort of discrimination.

is it right to say that the women are at the fault when anything wrong happens to them and they should be the one suffering the consequences?

A. no... its totally wrong to blame any women when anything happens to them women are always right

B. yes women should be blamed if she is suffering the consequences of what she has done wrong.

C. without knowing the whole situation no woman or even man should be blamed for whatever happened to her/him.

D. I don't think women is blamed for anything ever

Pick the option

Option C - without knowing the whole situation, no woman or even man should be blamed for whatever happened to her/him.

what do you think men can do to make this society a better place for females


A. men can make this society male dominated where females will be happy

B. they should be taught to respect everyone to make this society a better place for everyone not just men or women.

C. i don't think they need to do anything..it is good to have a male dominated society.

D. they can make women understand about equal rights and let them enjoy these rights as well.