345 oz to kg Using dimensional analysis

To convert 345 oz to kg using dimensional analysis, we need to use conversion factors that relate ounces to kilograms.

1 oz = 0.0283495 kg (conversion factor)

We can set up a proportion using this conversion factor:

345 oz * (0.0283495 kg/1 oz) = x kg

where x is the value we are trying to find.

We can then simplify the expression by canceling out the unit "oz":

345 * 0.0283495 kg = x kg

And finally, we can use a calculator to solve for x:

x = 9.7607275 kg

Therefore, 345 oz is equivalent to 9.7607275 kg.

To convert 345 ounces (oz) to kilograms (kg) using dimensional analysis, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up a conversion factor.
1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 35.27396 ounces (oz).

Step 2: Write down the given value with its unit.
345 oz

Step 3: Multiply the given value by the conversion factor, setting up the proper cancellation of units.
345 oz * (1 kg / 35.27396 oz)

Step 4: Simplify and cancel out units.
345 oz * 1 kg / 35.27396 oz

Step 5: Calculate the result.
345 * 1 / 35.27396 kg

Step 6: Round the result to an appropriate number of decimal places.
9.8007 kg (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, 345 ounces is approximately equal to 9.8007 kilograms when using dimensional analysis for the conversion.