0.054 km to m Using dimensional analysis

To convert 0.054 km to m using dimensional analysis, we can use the conversion factor:

1 km = 1000 m

We want to cancel out the km unit, so we write:

0.054 km x (1000 m/1 km) = 54 m

So, 0.054 km is equal to 54 m.

To convert 0.054 km to m using dimensional analysis, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the given value: 0.054 km.

Step 2: Identify the conversion factor to convert km to m. There are 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer.

Step 3: Set up the conversion factor as a fraction, with km in the denominator and m in the numerator:
1 km / 1,000 m.

Step 4: Multiply the given value by the conversion factor:
0.054 km * (1 km / 1,000 m).

Step 5: Simplify the fraction, canceling the km units:
0.054 * 1 / 1,000 m.

Step 6: Calculate the result:
0.054 / 1,000 m.

Step 7: Divide 0.054 by 1,000 to find the final answer:
0.000054 m.

Therefore, 0.054 kilometers is equal to 0.000054 meters using dimensional analysis.