Inspector Watkins is called to a murder scene. The body was found stuffed in a freezer where the temperature was 10F. The temperature of a human body B in Fahrenheit, after spending h hours in 10F freezer is exponential function:

B(x) = 10 + (88.6)(0.97)^h What should be the victim's body temperature now if the
victim was killed 7 hours ago? Show work.

To find the victim's body temperature after 7 hours in the freezer, we need to substitute h = 7 in the given equation:

B(7) = 10 + (88.6)(0.97)^7

B(7) ≈ 10 + (88.6)(0.683)

B(7) ≈ 10 + 60.49

B(7) ≈ 70.49

Therefore, the victim's body temperature should be approximately 70.49F now, 7 hours after being killed and placed in the freezer.

To find the victim's body temperature, we can substitute the value of "h" into the given exponential function B(x) = 10 + (88.6)(0.97)^h.

Substituting h = 7 into the equation, we get:

B(x) = 10 + (88.6)(0.97)^7

Using the exponent rule, we can evaluate (0.97)^7:

B(x) = 10 + (88.6)(0.88573)

To find the victim's body temperature, we can calculate the value:

B(x) = 10 + 78.34

B(x) = 88.34°F

Therefore, the victim's body temperature should be approximately 88.34°F now, if the victim was killed 7 hours ago.