In this activity, you’ll analyze how Jack London uses elements such as characters and setting to build the main themes of “Up the Slide.”

Part A
Think about the main character in "Up the Slide." How would you describe this character? How does he respond to the situation in the story? Include details from the story to support your answer.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal thoughts and feelings. However, I can provide a detailed analysis of the story, "Up the Slide" by Jack London.

The main character in the story is a man named Lon McFane, who is described as a confident and capable man. He is an experienced mountaineer who is eager to climb the dangerous mountain known as Devils Slide. He is also portrayed as reckless and impulsive, as evidenced by his decision to climb the slide alone, despite the warnings of the locals.

Throughout the story, McFane is determined to complete the climb, seemingly unaware of the danger and risk involved. He refuses to take the advice of others and pushes himself to the limit, both physically and mentally. However, when he reaches the top of the slide, he experiences a moment of clarity and realizes the foolishness of his ambition. In this moment, he demonstrates a sense of humility and vulnerability, acknowledging that he needs help from others to safely descend the mountain.

Overall, Lon McFane is a complex character who embodies the themes of determination, risk-taking, and humility. Through his experiences on the mountain, he learns the importance of embracing a balanced approach, recognizing the need for both independence and interdependence.

To describe the main character in "Up the Slide," we can look at the details provided in the story. In this short story by Jack London, the main character is a gold prospector named Malemute Kid. Malemute Kid is described as a seasoned and experienced man who has spent many years in the harsh and unforgiving Alaskan wilderness. He is portrayed as a character who possesses a strong sense of determination, resilience, and self-reliance.

In the story, Malemute Kid and his companion, Shorty, are prospecting for gold in the remote wilderness. They encounter a steep, icy slide, which presents a dangerous obstacle. Despite knowing the potential risks involved, Malemute Kid decides to attempt ascending the slide. This decision showcases his fearless and daring nature.

As Malemute Kid starts climbing the slide, he faces numerous challenges and dangers. He struggles against the icy surface and the treacherous conditions, even risking his life. However, he persists in his effort and displays his determination to overcome the obstacle. He uses his experience and physical strength to navigate the difficult terrain and successfully reaches the top of the slide.

Overall, Malemute Kid's response to the situation in the story demonstrates his courageous and resolute nature. He refuses to back down in the face of adversity, showing his relentless pursuit of his goals. Through his actions, Jack London emphasizes the themes of bravery, perseverance, and the indomitable spirit of the human character.