A nurse is paid 4000 for a 10 day job. What will be her pay for x days

To find out the pay for x days, we can use the following formula:

Pay for x days = (Pay for 10 days) x (x/10)

Substituting the given values:

Pay for x days = 4000 x (x/10)


Pay for x days = 400x

Therefore, the nurse's pay for x days will be 400 times the number of days she works.

To find the nurse's pay for x days, we can set up a proportional relationship.

Let's first determine the pay per day for the nurse. To do this, we divide the total pay of $4000 by the number of days she worked, which is 10:

Pay per day = $4000 ÷ 10 = $400 per day

Now, we can use this information to find the nurse's pay for x days. We multiply the pay per day by the number of days:

Pay for x days = $400 × x

Therefore, the nurse's pay for x days will be $400 times the number of days, represented by x.