During the academic year 2017-2018 the (total annual) in-state cost to attend the University of Texas was $25,440.

Determine the annual cost of tuition in dollars if it’s 41%.

We can start by setting up a proportion:

41% = tuition cost / total annual cost

To solve for the tuition cost, we can cross-multiply:

0.41 * $25,440 = tuition cost

Tuitions cost = $10,414.40 (to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the annual cost of tuition at the University of Texas for the academic year 2017-2018 was approximately $10,414.40 for in-state students.

To determine the annual cost of tuition at the University of Texas, we can multiply the total annual cost by the percentage of the tuition cost.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
41% ÷ 100 = 0.41

Step 2: Multiply the total annual cost by the decimal representing the percentage.
$25,440 × 0.41 = $10,434.40

Therefore, the annual cost of tuition at the University of Texas in dollars is $10,434.40.