The bearing of a town Q from a town P is 0450 find the bearing of p from Q

The bearing of P from Q will be 2250, which is the exact opposite direction of 0450.

sorry -- bearings are between 0 and 360

In that case, if the bearing of Q from P is 0450, the bearing of P from Q will be 2250 - 1800 = 0450. Therefore, the bearing of P from Q is also 0450.

To find the bearing of P from Q, we need to add or subtract 180 degrees from the given bearing of Q from P.

Since the bearing from Q to P is 0450, we can add 180 degrees to it to find the bearing from P to Q.

Adding 180 degrees to 0450, we get:

0450 + 180 = 0630

Therefore, the bearing of P from Q is 0630.