The table below lists properties of two astronomical bodies, X and Y.

Body Time to Orbit
the Sun
(years) Radius
(mi) Number
of Moons Can be Seen
without a
X 75 3 0 Sometimes
Y 165 15,300 14 No

How does the composition of X and Y compare?

Both X and Y are made of mostly rocks and metals.
X is made of mostly gases, and Y is made of rock, dust, and ice.
X is made of rock, dust, and ice, and Y is made of mostly gases.
X is made of mostly rocks and metals, and Y is made of mostly gases.

D. X is made of mostly rocks and metals, and Y is made of mostly gases.

Based on the information provided, we can infer that the composition of X and Y can be compared as follows:

X is made of mostly rocks and metals (since it has a radius and can be seen without a telescope).
Y is made of mostly gases (since it cannot be seen without a telescope and has a much larger radius).

Therefore, the correct answer is D. X is made of mostly rocks and metals, and Y is made of mostly gases.