give five clues the tell us a chemical change has taken place.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences, but here are five clues that show a chemical change has taken place:

1. Formation of a new substance: If the original substance undergoes a change in chemical makeup and transforms into a new substance, then a chemical change has occurred.

2. Change in color: A change in the color of the substance can indicate a chemical change. For example, when iron reacts with oxygen, it corrodes or rusts, which gives a different reddish-brown color.

3. Evolution of gas: Conversion of one or more substances to a gas is also a good indication of chemical change taking place. For instance, when vinegar mixes with baking soda, it produces carbon dioxide gas.

4. Change in temperature: If the mixture of substances suddenly becomes hot or cold, it could indicate a chemical change. An example of this is the endothermic reaction between baking soda and citric acid, creating a cold sensation.

5. Change in odor: Often, a chemical reaction that produces a new substance can also lead to an alteration in the smell. When milk goes bad, it produces a rotten smell due to the conversion of lactose to lactic acid.

Sure! Here are five clues that indicate a chemical change has taken place:

1. Formation of a new substance: If you observe a new substance being formed with different properties than the original substances, it is a strong indication of a chemical change. For example, if a colorless liquid and a colorless gas react and produce a yellow solid, this is evidence of a chemical change.

2. Change in color: A noticeable change in color during a reaction often suggests a chemical change. For instance, if a solution changes from blue to green or red to colorless, it indicates the occurrence of a chemical reaction.

3. Production of gas: The release of gas bubbles or the formation of a gas is another clue that a chemical change has taken place. This can be observed by effervescence, bubbling, or fizzing during a reaction.

4. Evolution of heat or light: If there is an emission of heat or light during a reaction, it indicates that a chemical change has occurred. Common examples include combustion reactions, such as a burning candle or a matchstick.

5. Irreversibility: When a reaction is irreversible, meaning it cannot be easily undone or the original substances cannot be recovered, it typically signifies a chemical change. An example of this is the reaction between vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to produce carbon dioxide gas, water, and sodium acetate.

It's important to note that these clues are not definitive proof on their own, but they greatly suggest the occurrence of a chemical change. It is often helpful to consider multiple clues together and analyze the overall evidence.