Choose the correct simplification of the expression (6x2y)2(y2)3.



Actually I think it's 36x4y8 because you need to add the y exponents.

You are correct! I apologize for my mistake. The correct simplification is indeed 36x4y8. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

To simplify the expression (6x^2y)^2(y^2)^3, you need to apply the exponent rules.

First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

(6x^2y)^2 = 36x^4y^2

Next, simplify the exponent of y^2:

(y^2)^3 = y^(2*3) = y^6

Now, combine the simplified expressions:

36x^4y^2 * y^6

To multiply variables with the same base, you add the exponents. Therefore:

36x^4y^2 * y^6 = 36x^4y^(2+6) = 36x^4y^8

So, the correct simplification is: 36x^4y^8.