Choose the correct product of (8x − 4)(8x + 4).

64x2 − 16
64x2 + 16
64x2 − 64x + 16
64x2 + 64x + 16

64x2 - 16

To find the correct product of (8x − 4)(8x + 4), you can use the FOIL method. FOIL stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last and is a way to multiply two binomials.

The first terms in each binomial are 8x and 8x, so when you multiply them together, you get 64x^2.

The outer terms in each binomial are 8x and 4, so when you multiply them together, you get 32x.

The inner terms in each binomial are -4 and 8x, so when you multiply them together, you get -32x.

The last terms in each binomial are -4 and 4, so when you multiply them together, you get -16.

Now, you can combine these products to get the final answer:

64x^2 + 32x - 32x - 16

Simplifying further, the like terms -32x and +32x cancel each other out, leaving us with:

64x^2 - 16

Therefore, the correct product of (8x − 4)(8x + 4) is 64x^2 - 16.