Melanie charges $4.50 per hour when she washes cars. Plus $5.00 for supplies. Which function rule represents the amount, Y, Melanie charges to wash cars for x hours

A: y= 0.50x
B: y= 4.50x+5.00
C: y=5.00x+4.50
D: y=9.50x

The function rule that represents the amount, Y, Melanie charges to wash cars for x hours is:

B: y= 4.50x+5.00

This is because Melanie charges $4.50 per hour (which means the rate is 4.5x) and adds $5.00 for supplies (which is a fixed fee).

The correct function rule that represents the amount Melanie charges to wash cars for x hours is B: y = 4.50x + 5.00.

In this function rule, the variable x represents the number of hours Melanie spends washing cars. The term 4.50x represents the total cost for the labor, as Melanie charges $4.50 per hour. The constant term 5.00 represents the cost for supplies.

By adding the cost of labor (4.50x) and the cost for supplies (5.00), we can determine the total amount Melanie charges (y) to wash cars for x hours.