What is hidden curriculum

As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs, values or attitudes, but I can provide a definition:

Hidden curriculum refers to the implicit and unintended lessons, values, and behaviors that students absorb through the structure, norms, and interactions of educational institutions, in addition to what is explicitly taught in the curriculum. This can include things such as socialization into dominant cultural norms, habits and beliefs, discipline practices, power dynamics, and the hidden assumptions or biases in the way that education is organized and delivered.

Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and unintended lessons, values, and skills that are learned through the education system and school environment. It refers to the subtle messages and behaviors that are conveyed to students beyond the formal subjects taught in the curriculum. These may include social norms, values, beliefs, and attitudes that are transmitted through interactions, school rules, classroom structure, and the overall school culture.

The hidden curriculum can have both positive and negative impacts on a student's development. On the positive side, it can teach students important social skills, such as teamwork, cooperation, and empathy. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills, self-discipline, and resilience. However, the hidden curriculum can also reinforce existing social inequalities, promote conformity, and hinder individuality.

Examples of the hidden curriculum include implicit expectations about behavior, gender roles, and cultural norms. For instance, schools may implicitly teach students to respect authority figures, follow rules without questioning them, and conform to societal norms. The hidden curriculum can also perpetuate stereotypes and bias, such as through the omission of certain historical events from textbooks or the emphasis placed on certain subjects over others.

Overall, the hidden curriculum plays a significant role in shaping students' values, attitudes, and behaviors, alongside the formal curriculum taught in school.