The Russian Revolution began because of which group of people? What were they hoping to achieve?

The Russian Revolution began as a result of the dissatisfaction of the Russian people with the autocratic rule of Tsar Nicholas II and the harsh living conditions caused by the country's involvement in World War I. Workers, peasants, and soldiers formed various groups and organizations, including the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin, with the hope of overthrowing the Tsarist regime and establishing a socialist state that would address their grievances and improve their lives. The Bolsheviks wanted to create a government that would represent the desires and needs of the workers and peasants, rather than being controlled by the aristocracy and the wealthy.

The Russian Revolution began primarily due to the dissatisfaction and grievances of two major groups of people: the working class industrial workers and the peasants.

1. Working Class Industrial Workers: This group, which largely consisted of factory employees, faced dire working conditions, long hours, low wages, and lacked basic worker rights. They were influenced by socialist and Marxist ideas, demanding improved working conditions, higher wages, and better rights for workers.

2. Peasants: The majority of the Russian population were peasants who worked in agriculture. They faced severe poverty, oppressive landowners, and high levels of exploitation. Peasants sought to obtain land reforms, equitable distribution of land, and freedom from exploitation.

These two groups hoped to achieve fundamental changes in the Russian society, such as:

1. Overthrowing the Tsarist autocracy: They aimed to end the monarchy and establish a more democratic system of government.

2. Equality and Social Justice: Both workers and peasants sought to create a more equitable society where the wealth and power were distributed more fairly among all classes.

3. Workers' Rights: Industrial workers sought to improve their working conditions, increase wages, and establish better worker protection.

4. Land Reforms: Peasants aimed to obtain reforms that would redistribute land ownership, ensuring fair and equal access to land.

Overall, the groups involved in the Russian Revolution sought to address and rectify the severe socio-economic inequality and injustice prevailing in Tsarist Russia.