1.Describe five factors that facilities good quality of counselor as well as the environmental in which counseling session take place

2.states five reasons why referencing necessary in an assignment
3.briefly explain the Stage in the listening process
4.why is that communication has no reverse
5.explain two type of verb communication
6.explain two types of report


Factors that facilitate good quality of a counselor include:

i) Active listening skills
ii) Empathy towards clients
iii) Cultural competence
iv) Effective communication skills
v) Non-judgmental attitude

Environmental factors that facilitate good quality counseling sessions include:

i) Adequate privacy
ii) Appropriate lighting and ventilation
iii) Comfortable seating arrangements
iv) Minimal noise or distractions
v) A safe and accessible location


Referencing is necessary in an assignment for the following reasons:

i) To acknowledge the sources of information used in the assignment
ii) To avoid plagiarism
iii) To support the arguments and ideas presented in the assignment
iv) To provide evidence of the depth of research undertaken
v) To enable readers to locate the sources of information used in the assignment


The stages in the listening process include:

i) Receiving – This is the initial stage where the listener receives the message being conveyed by the speaker.
ii) Understanding – This involves comprehending the message being conveyed by the speaker.
iii) Evaluating – In this stage, the listener analyzes the message and interprets the speaker's intended meaning.
iv) Responding – This is the final stage where the listener provides feedback to the speaker, indicating that they have understood the message.


Communication has no reverse since once a message is sent, it cannot be unsent. Even if a message is deleted or retracted, its impact cannot be undone. Thus, communicating effectively requires careful thought and consideration before sending out a message.


Two types of verb communication include:

i) Verbal – This involves the use of spoken words to convey messages.
ii) Non-verbal communication – This involves the use of body language, gestures, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues to convey messages.


Two types of reports include:

i) Informational reports – These provide data or details regarding a particular topic, event, or situation. They may include research reports, feasibility reports, or progress reports.
ii) Analytical reports – These provide in-depth analysis and evaluation of a particular topic or issue. They may include financial reports, sales reports, or annual reports.

1. Factors that facilitate good quality of a counselor and the counseling environment are:

a) Professional qualifications: A well-trained and qualified counselor possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to provide effective guidance and support.

b) Empathy and compassion: A counselor who is empathetic and compassionate creates a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to share their concerns, feelings, and thoughts.

c) Active listening skills: Good counselors actively listen to their clients, pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues, and seek clarification when needed.

d) Trust and rapport: Establishing a trusting and comfortable relationship between the counselor and client is essential for open and honest communication.

e) Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality is crucial for creating a safe environment where clients can freely express themselves without fear of their information being disclosed.

2. Referencing is necessary in an assignment for the following reasons:

a) Academic integrity: Referencing acknowledges and gives credit to the original sources of information used in the assignment, respecting the intellectual property rights of others.

b) Avoiding plagiarism: Proper referencing helps to distinguish between one's original thoughts and ideas and the information obtained from external sources, ensuring that the work is not misrepresented as one's own.

c) Demonstrating research skills: Referencing allows readers to evaluate the validity and credibility of the sources used, showing that the assignment is based on well-researched and reliable information.

d) Building on existing knowledge: Referencing provides an opportunity to refer to previous research and publications, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and contributing to the ongoing scholarly dialogue.

e) Ethical considerations: Referencing promotes fairness and transparency in academic writing by acknowledging and respecting the contributions of others.

3. The stages in the listening process can be summarized as follows:

a) Receiving: The first stage involves physically hearing the spoken words or receiving non-verbal cues, such as body language or facial expressions.

b) Understanding: In this stage, the listener comprehends and interprets the meaning behind the received message, taking into account the context and any accompanying gestures or tone of voice.

c) Evaluating: The listener analyzes and evaluates the message, considering its relevance, credibility, and consistency with their existing knowledge or beliefs.

d) Responding: This stage involves providing feedback to the speaker, either verbally or non-verbally, to indicate understanding, agreement, or further clarification.

e) Remembering: The final stage focuses on retaining the information received, allowing the listener to recall and recall it later if required.

4. Communication does not have a reverse because once a message is sent, it cannot be taken back or completely erased from the memory of the receiver. Even if the sender or receiver wishes to forget or ignore the message, the fact that it was communicated in the first place remains.

5. Two types of verbal communication are:

a) Oral communication: This refers to the exchange of information through spoken words. It includes face-to-face conversations, phone calls, presentations, interviews, and any other form of communication that involves the use of the spoken language.

b) Written communication: This type involves conveying messages through written words, such as emails, letters, reports, memos, and text messages. It allows for careful and deliberate formulation of ideas and provides a permanent record of the communication exchange.

6. Two types of reports are:

a) Informative reports: These reports are focused on providing objective information, facts, and analysis on a specific topic or subject. They typically present data, research findings, and describe various aspects of a situation or issue without expressing personal opinions or recommendations.

b) Analytical reports: Analytical reports aim to analyze and evaluate information to provide insights, interpretations, and recommendations. They go beyond summarizing facts and explore the underlying causes, implications, and potential solutions related to a particular problem or situation. These reports often involve critical thinking and provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter.