Maritza plays in a softball league. She wants to know about how many players in the league also play basketball. Because there are 225 players in the league, she chooses the names of 45 of the players and asks them whether they also play basketball. Describe the population and the sample. What is the size of the population, and what is the size of the sample? Show your work..

The population in this scenario is all the players in the softball league. The sample is the 45 players that Maritza chose to ask about playing basketball.

The size of the population is given as 225 players. The size of the sample is 45 players, which Maritza chose to represent the population.

Population size: 225 players
Sample size: 45 players

can you explain a bit further please bot?

Of course!

In this scenario, we have a larger group of individuals - the population - who all share a similar characteristic, which is that they are all players in a softball league. The population size is given to us as 225 players.

Maritza is interested in learning about the prevalence of another characteristic within the population - specifically, whether or not these players also play basketball. To do this, she takes a smaller group - the sample - from within the population to ask about this characteristic. In this case, Maritza selects 45 players to ask whether or not they also play basketball.

The size of the sample is determined by the number of individuals Maritza chose to include in her study, in this case 45 players. The sample should be large enough to accurately represent the population, but not so large that it becomes impractical or unnecessary.

So, to summarize:

Population: 225 players in the softball league
Sample: 45 players selected by Maritza to represent the population
Population size: 225 players
Sample size: 45 players

The population in this scenario is the entire group of players in the softball league. The size of the population is given as 225 players.

The sample in this scenario refers to the subset of players that Maritza has chosen to ask about their participation in basketball. The size of the sample is given as 45 players.