The values of several houses on Mango Street are displayed on the table. What is the median value of these houses?

Valure per house : $150,000, $220,000, $490,000, $540,000, $800,000, $975,000.

Number of Houses : 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2

The values of several houses on Mango Street are displayed on the table. What is the median value of these houses?

To find the median value of the houses, we need to arrange the values in order from least to greatest.

$150,000, $220,000, $490,000, $540,000, $800,000, $975,000

Next, we need to find the middle value. Since there are 18 houses in total (2+4+3+2+5+2=18), the middle value will be the average of the 9th and 10th numbers when we list them in order.

$150,000, $220,000, $490,000, $540,000, $800,000, $975,000

The 9th and 10th numbers are both $540,000. Therefore, the median value of the houses on Mango Street is $540,000.

To find the median value of the houses on Mango Street, we first need to arrange the values in ascending order:

$150,000, $220,000, $490,000, $540,000, $800,000, $975,000.

Next, we need to find the middle value. Since there are six values, the middle would be the average of the 3rd and 4th value.

$490,000 + $540,000 = $1,030,000
$1,030,000 / 2 = $515,000

The median value of the houses on Mango Street is $515,000.