A bar graph shows the average temperatures for the first four days in March. The average temperature for each day is listed.

March 1 was 52°F.
March 2 was 54°F.
March 3 was 56°F.
The average temperature for March 4 followed the temperature trend. Which most likely was the temperature on March 4?

(1 point)





58°F (following the trend of increasing temperatures)

To determine the most likely temperature on March 4th, we can analyze the given temperatures for the first three days.

The average temperature for March 1st was 52°F, and the average temperature for March 2nd was 54°F. Based on this information, we can see that the temperature is increasing.

The average temperature for March 3rd was 56°F, which means there was another increase in temperature.

Therefore, based on the temperature trend established, the most likely temperature on March 4th would be higher than 56°F. Among the given options, the closest temperature to this would be 60°F.

Therefore, the most likely temperature on March 4th would be 60°F.